Sponsor Highlight |
 Do you and your family members have challenges staying in touch online? Check out our friends at Presto – their Presto Mail service allows you to send email to your loved ones without them needing a computer! Now you can include them in the quick hellos, family updates and pictures of the grandkids the rest of the family enjoys - you can even send them updates from your Lotsa Community!
Enter the Promo code: LOTSA12 for two months free when signing up (a $30 value)! To learn more about keeping everyone in your family connected with what's happening, even if they are not online click: Find Out More.
Sign into your Community |
Check in on your Community, share a photo or well wish or sign up to help.
Sign into your Community here.
Nonprofit Resources |
Lotsa Helping Hands partners with more than 50 of the nation’s leading nonprofit organizations that provide information and resources to members of its communities. Check out our list of partnering organizations, or if you are a nonprofit and would like to join us, let us know!
Help on the Homefront Webinar |
Last month we hosted a webinar dedicated to our nation’s military families, military support organizations, and volunteers interested in helping.
Watch a recording of the webinar and hear about Joe’s Army Angels, a Community using Lotsa to organize sending care packages to a platoon of soldiers in Afghanistan as well as Celine's Helping Hands, a Community that came together to support Celine and her three young daughters while their father is deployed.
Resources for Caregiver Support |
At Lotsa, we understand the needs of caregivers. We know they need resources and help. Whether you are part of a Lotsa Community or not, we’ve compiled a list of organizations and resources that serve caregivers in our Resource Directory. We hope you find them helpful along your caregiving journey.
Share Lotsa Today! |
Finished reading the newsletter? Take a moment to share Lotsa with friends and loved ones.

Premier Partners |
Dear Friend,
New this month:
This summer there has been so much in the news about caregiving – from a focus on male caregivers to the importance of paying attention to caregivers in the workplace. Here at Lotsa, we witness these news events firsthand as we interact with men who are primary caregivers coordinating help for their loved ones, as well as with Community Members coming forward to help their fellow co-workers during times of need.
Yet with the excitement of the start of another school year, we are again reminded of other ways people use Lotsa Helping Hands – to help organize volunteers for our children’s sports teams, clubs, and classroom activities. Around the country our service is also being used to coordinate scout troop volunteers, garden clubs, and much more. Many Communities have been set up to schedule activities for religious groups for the coming year, or organize new neighborhood child care co-ops. And with the launch of our new Open Communities, many more are creating a Community in their school or town, ready to help a local family through a challenging time.
While Lotsa Helping Hands is so widely used to coordinate help and offer support to caregivers, it’s important for us to remind our members of the endless ways to gather and organize your Community through Lotsa. Please continue to be in touch with us and share how you use Lotsa in your Community.
Read on for the latest blog posts, news of our upcoming webinars and tips for using the features of our service. Thanks for reading and passing this on to others you love.
From our Community to yours,
Hal Chapel, Co-Founder & CEO
Lotsa News
Sandwich Generation Juggling Act: Balancing Children, Career and Caregiving – Free Webinar
As part of our “Inspiration Series” we are hosting a special webinar titled Sandwich Generation Juggling Act: Balancing Children, Career and Caregiving. Sherri Snelling of the Caregiving Club will speak about the key challenges that Sandwich Generation caregivers face as well as offer creative solutions to these challenges. Join us for this free webinar on Wednesday, September 12th at 2 pm ET.
Improve Your Work/Life Balance with LotsaHelp@Work
Are you a caregiver juggling work responsibilities while caring for a loved one? Bring Lotsa Helping Hands to your work place. Employees have access to a co-branded version of the Lotsa service as a resource to make life easier, reduce stress, and increase overall productivity – while reinforcing your company’s commitment to work/life balance.
Learn more at our LotsaHelp@Work page or contact us.
Lotsa New Features
Group Your Members — One of the newest features of Lotsa is Groups. Place Members of your Community into Groups with various levels of permission. Individual Members and/or groups of Members may be granted different permissions for viewing and signing up for specific Activities, as well as permissions for viewing and posting to various Community Sections. For example make play-dates viewable only by Members with kids, or create a Transportation Group with a pool of drivers available to give rides to appointments.
Meals That Bring Comfort — Did you know that more than 3 million meals have been posted in our Lotsa Communities? If you are on Pinterest, share your favorite meal or recipe that you have brought to a loved one when helping. Check out our 'Meals That Bring Comfort' board. From easy crockpot meals to lasagna rolls, rice bakes and stuffed peppers, we’ve got a board of recipes sure to further inspire your volunteer efforts in your Community. If you have a recipe you want to share, let us know on Facebook! Be sure to include a link to the recipe available online, so we can easily pin it.
Have questions? Contact us at info@lotsahelpinghands.com.
Share Some Lotsa Love Today
At Lotsa, we believe it takes a Community to care for the caregiver. Have you watched our short video about how Lotsa Helping Hands helps caregivers? Share it with a friend, family member or neighbor by posting it on your Facebook Page, or forwarding this email to your list. Once you do, email us to let us know you shared the video, and we’ll send the first 200 participants a free eco-friendly shopping bag!
Join the Conversation on our Lotsa Blog
Want to learn more about Communities at Lotsa, resources from our nonprofit partners, and stories from the people behind Lotsa? Visit our blog and post a comment.
Honoring Caregiving Employees this Labor Day
Growing Up in WA State – What I Learned about Volunteering in my Community
September Beginnings – For Many, It Means Helping Our Community
It Takes a Community to Care for the Caregiver
When My Daughter Needed Helping Hands
Helping Our Loved Ones Through Cancer