Dear Friend,
Spring always reminds us of fresh starts and new creations. The feelings of excitement and nervous energy that we associate with these new beginnings are magnified when it comes to parenting. Chances are that you or someone you know has cared for a child, and therefore you understand the joys, and sometimes the challenges, of this responsibility.
Parents often experience exhaustion in caring for newborns, coping with the ever-growing list of do’s and don’ts as well as the sleep schedule that never quite seems to stay consistent. And asking for an extra set of hands is no easy feat. As these challenges and hesitations are true for all new parents, they are even more significant for mothers with multiples and parents caring for children with special needs. Yet what better way to express intimacy than asking for, or offering, loving assistance to family and friends? Thousands of people have used Lotsa Helping Hands to support families experiencing parenting challenges. Community members can post baby pictures, document childhood milestones, and use our Coordination Calendar to organize well-meaning offers of help such as meals delivery or organized play groups.
If you know of an expectant family, a parent caring for multiples, or a caregiver caring for a child with special needs, what can you do to help? Create a community of support at Lotsa Helping Hands.
All of us on the founding team here at Lotsa Helping Hands know what it’s like to juggle parenting duties and know how the support of friends and family can truly make a difference.
From our community to yours,
Hal Chapel, Co-Founder & CEO
We have several tips to share this month.
1. Add Multiple Members: Now, you can add multiple members to your community at once. Visit the “People” tab in your community to easily enter multiple names and email addresses of those you wish to be part of your community.
2. Lotsa Resources for You: Please visit the community section in your community called Lotsa Resources for You. This month we are featuring do’s and don’ts about finding nursing home care as well as resources on managing long-term care.
3. Join our conversation: Our online community continues to grow. Join our conversation by visiting us on Facebook — “Like Us”, post a comment or share a testimonial about your experience. Now you can also follow us on Twitter and keep up-to-date with the latest tips and features about our service.
4. Lotsa Helping Hands Webinar Series: Our monthly Webinar includes tips about ways to use the service, stories of community support, and helpful ideas for families, and those wishing to support them, during their caregiving journey. Visit our web site to listen and watch one of our archived Webinars and sign up for our May 25 Webinar.
If you have additional questions, contact us at info@lotsahelpinghands.com
Free, private, web-based communities for organizing friends, family, and colleagues – your 'circles of community' – during times of need. Coordinate activities and manage volunteers with our intuitive group calendar. Easily communicate and share updates using announcements, message boards, and photos. Safely store vital information. Get Started.