Sponsor Highlight |
 Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc., and CancerCare® Are Proud to Support Caregivers of People Facing Cancer
We understand that cancer profoundly affects family members, friends and others who are close to a person diagnosed with cancer.
That’s why we’re proud to offer My Cancer Circle, a free, private support community for caregivers of people facing cancer.
My Cancer Circle helps caregivers coordinate efforts of family, friends and volunteers who have stepped forward to support them and their loved one with cancer.
Learn more about My Cancer Circle today.
Resources for You |
Lotsa Helping Hands partners with more than 50 of the nation’s leading nonprofit organizations that provide information and resources to members of its communities. So, whether someone is caring for a loved one with Leukemia, a wounded warrior who recently arrived home, or someone battling Alzheimer’s disease, we’ve got the resources you need.
Create |
Lotsa Helping Hands powers online caring Communities that help restore health and balance to caregivers’ lives. The free service brings together caregivers and volunteers through online Communities that organize daily life during times of medical crisis or caregiver exhaustion in neighborhoods and communities worldwide.
Create a Community for yourself or someone you love today.
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Dear Friend,
New this month:
With summer upon us, many of us are fortunate enough to feel the excitement just about everywhere we turn. Children nearing the end of the school year, families making plans for get-togethers, and Father’s Day celebrations. As a father myself, I can’t help but think of the dads out there who are caregivers to loved ones or who are supported by their loved ones. Whatever their story, helping is part of it. One particularly poignant story, Prayers for Patrick, comes to mind this month. We learned about Patrick through the eyes of his wife Kelly, caregiver to Patrick and mother to three little ones. Kelly and Patrick’s experience could have happened to any young family. But the way their Community supported them in the face of a cancer diagnosis left an indelible impression on all of us at Lotsa. This month, Kelly and her family have been gracious enough to share their story with our entire Lotsa community. Chances are, this one will leave an impression on you, too. Here is the latest from Prayers for Patrick:
When my husband Pat was diagnosed with a germ cell tumor, I knew our lives had changed. This wasn’t supposed to happen to us. But during that time our Community literally held my family up. Pat wanted to be home with us, and I wanted to be there with him at the hospital every day for his treatment. My friends and family in my Community basically did everything for us. When I got home at 8 p.m., there was a hot meal waiting for me, and my house was always clean. My daughter had been taken to ballet and Irish dancing classes, everyone was fed, and our laundry was washed and folded. Read more in our Story Project.
Read on for the latest blog posts, tips for using our new features and more. Thanks for reading and passing this on to others you love.
From our Community to yours,
Hal Chapel, Co-Founder & CEO
Lotsa New Features
At Lotsa Helping Hands we recently launched an upgrade to our service and website. Your Community will look a bit different and the navigation around the Community is even easier to use. But that’s just the first thing you’ll notice. Check out some of our other new features.
- Use Lotsa with your Mobile Phone — Grab your smart phone and head to lotsahelpinghands.com to sign in to your Community to send or read an announcement on the road. You can also double check what needs have been met and which activities still need volunteers in your Help Calendar, or even add a new activity if you’re a Community Leader or Coordinator. Rest easy knowing that all the information in your Lotsa Community is available to you as you’re running around town or on the go!
- Organize More with Events — Community Leaders and Coordinators can now bundle related Activities into a single ‘Event’ for easier reporting. Are you organizing a lot of volunteers for a day of service? Go to the Administration tab to the ‘Manage Events’ link to create new Events, generate volunteer reports, or add new help requests. Simplify your support so it’s even easier to give and get help.
- Group Your Members — You can now place Members of your Community into Groups with various levels of permission. Individual Members and/or Groups of Members may be granted different permissions for viewing and signing up for specific Activities, as well as permissions for viewing and posting to various Community Sections. For example, you can now segment a particular group of known drivers to provide rides to medical appointments.
- Visit our New Website — Check out our new website with an expanded “How It Works” section, a demo about understanding Lotsa, links to our June webinar and more.
If you have additional questions, contact us at info@lotsahelpinghands.com.
Join the Conversation on our Lotsa Blog
Have you been keeping up with our blog? We’ve been posting articles and stories from members of our own team as well as caregiving experts on topics such as volunteering, youth caregivers and making the best out of tough situations. Check it out, post a comment and tell us what you’d like to see next!
The More Things Change, The More They Stay the Same
Friends in Common
Spring Into Spring
Caregiving Youth: A Hidden Population
When Life Hands You Lemons…
National Volunteer Week – Let’s Celebrate
Caregiver Stress is No Joke
Caregiving and The Power Of Community