Sign into your Community |
Check in on your Community, share a photo or well wish or sign up to help.
Sign into your Community here.
Companies That Care |
At Lotsa, we understand the needs of caregivers. We know that they need help to manage all of their responsibilities. It’s often said that it takes a village to raise a child, and at Lotsa, we believe it takes a community to support the caregiver. We often come across companies who also support and understand the needs of caregivers. We are proud to present a list of Companies That Care.
Resources for You |
Lotsa Helping Hands partners with more than 50 of the nation’s leading nonprofit organizations that provide information and resources to members of its communities. So, whether someone is caring for a loved one with Leukemia or someone battling Alzheimer’s disease, we’ve got the resources you need.
Get Started |
Lotsa Helping Hands powers online caring Communities that help restore health and balance to caregivers’ lives. The free service brings together caregivers and volunteers through online Communities that organize daily life during times of medical crisis or caregiver exhaustion in neighborhoods and communities worldwide. Create a Community for yourself or someone you love today.
Watch a Webinar! |
We’ve got a great selection of webinar recordings in our archive. From a briefing on nonprofit partnerships to fantastic programs with speakers from
The Caregiving Club and the Alzheimer’s Association, we have over 15 webinars that can be a great resource to you as you care for a love one.
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Dear Friend,
Featured this month:
Thanksgiving has passed, it’s already December, and we can no longer deny that the days are indeed growing shorter and colder. As families gather for the holidays, and we reflect on the year that is coming to a close, we’re also thinking ahead to 2013. In November, we launched “The Year of Helping Hands” campaign, an effort to recognize our nation’s 65+ million caregivers who need help now. We thought it was a perfect time to not only recognize our nation’s caregivers, but make our
resolution for the New Year. Why? Because our caregivers can’t wait.
We’ve already had an inspiring number of visitors to Lotsa Helping Hands make promises to help a caregiver in 2013, from offers to pick up groceries for caregivers, to keeping an aging loved one company, to watching young nieces and nephews in order to give a caregiver some much-needed respite. We’ve even heard from people who are purchasing gift cards this holiday season to give to those who are tight on money. We’ve been overwhelmed by all of the enthusiastic, kind and heartwarming promises of help.
So this December, we’re keeping the giving going. It only takes a minute to make your promise. And starting in January, we’ll be sharing tips to get started. Visit our Promise Page and
make a promise to help a caregiver today.
From our Community to yours,
Hal Chapel, Co-Founder & CEO
Lotsa News
Free Webinar — Thursday December 13, 2012, 1pm EST
Caregivers Helping Loved Ones in Pain
Join Lotsa and guest speaker Shirley Otis-Green, a licensed clinical social worker and Senior Research Specialist in Nursing Research and Education at the City of Hope National Medical Center in Duarte, California, as we take an inspiring look at the experience of caregivers who are caring for a loved one in pain. Participants will learn:
- How to recognize when your loved one is experiencing pain
- Ideas for managing care for loved ones in pain
- Strategies in self care when caring for a loved one
Lotsa Tips
We’re sharing tips for those Members and Coordinators who are coming together to organize help in Communities this holiday season. Remember, you can always visit our How it Works Page for ideas about how to get the most from your Lotsa Community web site.
Tip 1 — Create a New ‘Community Section’ You can Create a New ‘Community Section’ that will appear at the top of your Community web site just like the Message Board, Photo Gallery, or Resources Section. At the top right of your home page you’ll see a link to 'Add a Section'.
Use this to add a fundraising link, recipe book, extra photo gallery or anything that can help your Community stay connected and provide the best support possible.
Tip 2 — Easily Switch Between Multiple Lotsa Communities! More than 30% of our Members are in more than one Community, whether it’s helping a neighbor with breast cancer or organizing volunteers in their child’s classroom at school.
When joining, creating or accessing a 2nd (or 3rd, or 4th!) Community web site, you’ll always use the same email address and password. When you are a Member of multiple Community web sites, the orange ‘Sign In’ menu at the top of the page will give you the option to ‘Switch to Another Community’.
Simply click this and you’ll be able to easily navigate between every Community web site you are participating in.
Tip 3 — There’s No Limit to the Size of Your Community If you are looking to expand your Community to your town, neighborhood, school or beyond, let us know. We have Communities that are more than 1,000 Members strong! If you need more space to add Members in your Community, just contact and we’ll gladly increase the size of your Community so everyone who wants to help can.
If you have additional questions, contact us at
Find Resources that can Help in our Resource Directory
We’ve compiled a fantastic and informative list of organizations and resources that serve caregivers in our Resource Directory. We add organizations and resources every week, and we hope you find them helpful along your caregiving journey. Take a look today, with over 60 resources in over 20 categories, there’s sure to be a resource that is helpful to you and your Community.
Join the Conversation on our Lotsa Blog
Want to learn more about Communities at Lotsa, resources from our nonprofit partners, and stories from the people behind Lotsa? Visit our blog and post a comment. And to keep up with our latest posts, you can now subscribe to our blog as well!
If Only…
The Votes are Counted – Now Caregivers Need to Speak Up
We Were Each Other’s Caregivers
My Community on Halloween: Trick or Treating, Candy and Kind Neighbors