Announcements - This Section allows Leaders and designated Coordinators to post and/or email important messages to the entire Community. Examples might include alerts about new volunteer opportunities, health and treatment progress, or general Community updates. The Community Home page defaults to displaying the About text, but Community Leaders can choose to display either the most recent Announcement or have a specific Announcement always displayed on the Home page. Simply click on Web Site Options under the Administration tab to set this up.Photo Gallery - The Photo Gallery in your Lotsa Community is the perfect place to share images and photos from your caregiving journey. Post or view personal photos in your Community and share a memory or milestone. The default setting allows only Leaders and designated Coordinators to upload photographs (other Members would have to email photos to these Leaders/Coordinators), but Leaders/designated Coordinators can edit the Permissions for this Section and allow all Members to post to the Photo Gallery. Leaders and designated Coordinators can also determine on a Community-wide basis whether Members may post comments to any posted photo. Of course, any number of additional photo albums (Photo Gallery) can be created by the Leaders and designated Coordinators as new Community Sections, each with a unique name.
Resources - This Community Section allows all Community Members upload documents or share links to other web sites that are deemed relevant to the Community. When a Community is created, there may be a set of links and documents already posted in this Section, but Leaders and designated Coordinators can decide whether to keep or remove these items.
Message Board - The Message Board is the best place for Members to connect with other Members of your Community and to generate discussion on relevant topics. The default settings allow both Members and Leaders/Coordinators to post anything they wish to share, or comment on a specific post and start a conversation. Click on ‘Add a new post', or reply to someone else's post by leaving a comment.
Well Wishes – For some Communities, this Section may be the soul of your caring Community. Well Wishes is the place to drop a line to say hello, post a prayer or let the individual or family being helped know that you’re thinking about them. All members may post here, or share a reply to another member's posting.
A powerful and efficient tool for caregivers and those Members wishing to support them, Custom Sections provide a way for Leaders and designated Coordinators to enhance the power and value of a Lotsa Helping Hands Community. Add a ‘Donate’ button, a personal blog, or even a Section allowing Members to post special recipes. For each Custom Section, Leaders or designated Coordinators can set Permissions for viewing, posting to, or commenting on posts in the Section based on Members’ Roles, membership in defined Groups, or specific individuals.For more help, look for help links with a yellow dot

While we continue to add to our Help Section please do not hesitate to be in touch if you need any assistance. You can always reach us at support@lotsahelpinghands.com. We’re here to help!