Sample Community

What Members are Saying – Easily Schedule Tasks and Find Volunteer Opportunities

“Let me first say that I think this website is wonderful. The help Lily received during Scott's fight with cancer was unmatched and could not have been done without this web site's help.”

–Chris, North Carolina

Powered By Lotsa Helping HandsPowered By Lotsa Helping Hands

“What can I do to help?”

MDA welcomes you to myMuscleTeam®. We are proud to offer this free personal community and care coordination service.

myMuscleTeam enables you to post photos and journal entries, and keep family and friends - your personal "Muscle Team" - updated on medical matters and life in general. It’s a great way to update everyone simultaneously, as opposed to the stress-filled and time-consuming process of calling each friend and family member to tell and retell the latest news.

myMuscleTeam also offers a “care coordination calendar,” where you and/or your primary caregiver can post items for which you need assistance — such as transportation to medical appointments, meal preparation, household chores and more — so family, friends and loved ones can sign up to help. Privacy and security settings ensure that you control which family and friends are permitted access.

Now, when someone asks “what can I do to help?” you can say “give me your e-mail address” — and the myMuscleTeam service takes over, enabling your family and friends to sign up and provide support.

Having Trouble?

Having Trouble? We’re here to help.

Click on one of the links below to find an answer.

Technical Support

For help using the system, we encourage you to read our help documentsi

Our Member Support Team is available to help you round the clock. Contact the Member Support Center for assistance.

Ideas? Feedback?

We regularly incorporate your suggestions and feedback into the Lotsa Helping Hands experience. We welcome your ideas and feedback.

Share your Story

Seeing the difference our Communities have made in people’s lives, we created The Story Project, a place for our members to share their personal stories in their own words. Tell us your story.

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