“What can I do to help?”
MDA welcomes you to myMuscleTeam®. We are proud to offer this free personal community and care coordination service.
myMuscleTeam enables you to post photos and journal entries, and keep family and friends - your personal "Muscle Team" - updated on medical matters and life in general. It’s a great way to update everyone simultaneously, as opposed to the stress-filled and time-consuming process of calling each friend and family member to tell and retell the latest news.
myMuscleTeam also offers a “care coordination calendar,” where you and/or your primary caregiver can post items for which you need assistance — such as transportation to medical appointments, meal preparation, household chores and more — so family, friends and loved ones can sign up to help. Privacy and security settings ensure that you control which family and friends are permitted access.
Now, when someone asks “what can I do to help?” you can say “give me your e-mail address” — and the myMuscleTeam service takes over, enabling your family and friends to sign up and provide support.